The design "Le Petit Déjeuner de Nanie" from the book "Mon journal au point de croix" by V.Enginder was not planned to be cross stitched at all. I decided to participate in a game in one of the social netwoks services, you know, when you cross stitch offered elements of the chart and you have no idea of the design you'll get in the end. The game was called "An Ideal Morning". It was the second time I decided to participate in such kind of a game (the very first one was "Pivoine de chine" cross stitch design). I like this game as it gives you some kind of motivation to keep going till the end.
Когда села писать этот пост задумалась -"Идеальное утро"...а какое оно? Есть ли особые критерии, по которым можно определить, что утро сегодня идеальное?
While I was writing this post, I thought about "An Ideal Morning". What does it look like? Are there any criteria for the morning to be called "ideal"?
While I was writing this post, I thought about "An Ideal Morning". What does it look like? Are there any criteria for the morning to be called "ideal"?
У кого-то идеальное утро состоит из кофе в постель. Кто-то наверняка считает идеальным несколько минут тишины с утра. Уверена, что для большинства людей идеальное утро - это когда суббота, а завтра выходной и сегодня никуда спешить не надо. Угадала?
Some people think that "An Ideal Morning" - it's when you have a cup of coffee in a bed. Others think that to have few minutes of rest in silence - that's "An Ideal Morning". I'm sure most people think that "An Ideal Morning" it's weekend and you do not need to go anywhere. Am I right?
Some people think that "An Ideal Morning" - it's when you have a cup of coffee in a bed. Others think that to have few minutes of rest in silence - that's "An Ideal Morning". I'm sure most people think that "An Ideal Morning" it's weekend and you do not need to go anywhere. Am I right?
А еще бывает утро идеальным, когда:
ощущаешь легкое прикосновение маленькой ладошки на своем лице;
когда видишь любимую улыбку;
когда слышишь любимый голос;
когда в окне солнышко;
когда слышишь пение птиц (или "ку-ка-ре-ку" петуха);
когда знаешь, что день только начинается;
когда предвкушаешь приятную встречу;
когда сквозь сон ловишь сладкий запах горячей выпечки;
когда на душе спокойно;
когда знаешь, что все хорошо;
когда живешь в мире и гармонии со всем, что окружает!
And it's always "An Ideal Morning":
when you feel tiny soft hand on your face;
when you notice your favourite smile;
when you hear your favourite voice;
when it's shining outside;
when you hear birds singing (or simply "Сock-a-doodle-do!");
when you know it's the very beginning of the day;
when you anticipate events of the day;
when you feel sweet scent of backed cookies while sleeping;
when you are calm inside;
when you know that everything is OK;
when you live in harmony and peace!
And it's always "An Ideal Morning":
when you feel tiny soft hand on your face;
when you notice your favourite smile;
when you hear your favourite voice;
when it's shining outside;
when you hear birds singing (or simply "Сock-a-doodle-do!");
when you know it's the very beginning of the day;
when you anticipate events of the day;
when you feel sweet scent of backed cookies while sleeping;
when you are calm inside;
when you know that everything is OK;
when you live in harmony and peace!
Я очень люблю утро! Просыпаясь позднее обычного, я чувствую разочарование - ведь я уже столько всего пропустила! А еще мне банально жаль времени, которое я "проспала". Ведь можно было выпить чашечку чая, сделать утреннюю пробежку, вышить несколько крестиков или просто посидеть с книгой в тишине :)) А какое "Идеальное утро" у вас?
I like the Morning so much! If I wake up late, I feel disappointment, as I have already missed so much! Perhaps you think it's banal, but I regret the time missed due to my late wake up, because there are lots of things I could do (to have a cup of tea, or to have a morning run, or to have few stitches crossed, or simply have time to read a book in silence)! And what about you? What's your "An Ideal Morning" look like?